Thursday, November 17, 2011

still from final

The Magician's Act
Place-Talent show
Atmostphere- tesnse mood
With a dream of becoming one of the world's greatest magician, Pete is about to perform his first dangerous act; but things go wrong on stage.
Act 1
Character is introduced behind stage becoming very nervous about going on for his act. He pumps himself up for the first trick. After sprinkling magic dust into his hat, a small puff of smoke mushrooms out and a rabbit crawls out coughing. Crowd reacts in shock.

Act 2
a tank of water is being rolled out onto stage for the second act. he is chained and lowered in but drops his secret key and is forced to press the emergency button in his hand. a small figure carrying an ax runs onto stage and breaks the glass.

Act 3
the final trick
pete rolls out a cage with a lion inside and throws a tarp over it. the audience is fearful now. pete does the magic wave and presto! the lion has disappeared. the crowd is amazed and pete gets applause.

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